How to join RICREA

Categories with an obligation or an option to join

As stated in the RICREA Statute, approved by the shareholders’ meeting on 03/10/2017 and published in the Italian Official Gazette issue no. 79 of 5 April 2018, companies belonging to the following categories participate in RICREA:
  1. Suppliers of steel packaging materials, a category that includes producers and importers of raw materials for packaging (PRODUCERS);
  2. Manufacturers and transformers of steel packaging, a category which also includes importers of empty packaging not intended for the goods they produce themselves (TRANSFORMERS).
The companies indicated above that have not adopted one of the systems envisaged by art. 221, paragraph 3, letters a) and c), of Italian Legislative decree no. 152 of 3 April 2006, are required to participate in RICREA.  Participation is also mandatory in the event that a system referred to in letters a) and c) of said paragraph 3 does not obtain or has not yet obtained recognition, or if such recognition is revoked pursuant to art. 221, paragraphs 5 and 9, of Italian Legislative decree no. 152 of 3 April 2006.
Companies belonging to the following categories can also participate in RICREA:
  1. Autoproducers of steel packaging, a category that includes companies that purchase or import raw packaging materials to produce steel packaging, which they use to contain the goods they produce themselves (AUTOPRODUCERS);
  2. Collectors and recyclers who do not fit into the category of producers, as defined pursuant to art. 218, paragraph 1, letters l), m), n) and o) of Italian Legislative decree no. 152 of 2006, subject to agreement with the other consortium members and together with them (RECOVERERS AND RECYCLERS).

Consortium rights and obligations

  • The consortium members have the right to participate in the definition of the Consortium’s decisions in view of achieving the statutory purposes and the performance of the consortium activities. Consortium members can enjoy the services and benefits of the Consortium.
  • RICREA checks consortium members correctly meet the obligations arising from participation in the Consortium and undertakes the necessary actions to ascertain and repress any violations of these obligations.

Consortium members are also obliged to:

  • contribute to the constitution of the consortium fund;
  • pay any annual contribution approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting pursuant to art. 9, paragraph 2, letter h) of the Consortium Statute;
  • transmit to the Board of Directors all the data and information requested by it and pertaining to the consortium;
  • submit to all the checks ordered by the Board of Directors in order to ascertain whether consortium obligations have been met in full, in ways that will preserve the confidentiality of the consortium members’ data;
  • comply with the statute, regulations and resolutions of the Consortium bodies, which are binding for all consortium members;
  • favour the interests of the Consortium and not carry out activities that conflict with the purposes of the same.

Procedure for joining

Companies belonging to one of the above categories that intend to join RICREA must:
  1. inform RICREA of their desire to join, with a written request to be sent by certified e-mail to the address;
  2. wait for RICREA’s reply, which will contain the “RICREA membership application form” and the operating instructions to be followed for completing and submitting the form;
  3. complete the “RICREA membership application form” and simultaneously pay the membership fee;
  4. send the completed “RICREA membership application form”, with a copy of the payment of the consortium fee and all the required documents, to the certified e-mail address;
  5. wait for the membership request to be accepted by the RICREA Board of Directors; applicants will be informed of the outcome by certified email.

Institutional documents and forms (only in Italian)


Corporate obligations office
Tel. : 0039 02/398008.20
Fax: 0039 02/40708219

Aziende consorziate RICREA

317 companies are registered with RICREA. View the list of member companies and all their references.