518.913 t
Steel packaging
released for use
80,6 %
Steel packaging
sent for recycling (%)
418.091 t
Steel packaging
sent for recycling

This site is an institutional space that welcomes many different types of content, aimed at the most diverse audiences, and performs various functions. The first is to introduce the RICREA consortium and describe its composition, its role, the results achieved. and its objectives.

Citizens, institutions and sector operators will find up-to-date information. There is a reserved area for sector operators, which they can use to relate and interact with RICREA.

A section is dedicated to the production of steel, its diffusion, and its various uses throughout history, with particular attention to steel packaging and its evolutions.

In the space dedicated to the circular economy, all the aspects and challenges concerning eco-sustainability in the design, production and use of steel packaging are addressed, with a view to recovering this precious, completely and repeatedly recyclable material, thus reducing its carbon footprint.

Last but not least, the many communication projects that RICREA has promoted and continues to promote over the years are presented and described in a special section, in order to make citizens aware of the correct management of steel packaging after its use. These initiatives have yielded extraordinary results ever since the Consortium started its activity, making an important contribution to the rapid and early achievement of the packaging recycling objectives regularly established by European directives.